Beautiful blue books!! Only got one duplicate in a set of 6 feet of books. Came packaged well and all books were in excellent condition! Would recommend and use again!!
New to TheBookBundler?
Try one of our budget boxes!
We pick the titles for you
Baby Book Box (Ages 0-3)
Vendor:$44.00 -
Chapter Book Box (ages 7-12)
Vendor:$45.00 -
YA and Teen Book Box (ages 13+)
Vendor:$59.00 -
Bestseller Book Box (adult)
What is The Book Bundler? Common Q/A
What we do
We save used books from landfills and paper recyclers through our exclusive partnerships. We are the last chance for books before they are shredded or permanently destroyed.
We have a custom sorting process that took us years to build, sorting through truckloads of used books, and pulling out only the highest quality books for our bundles.
Save Save Save
The books we save are bundled together, by type, genre, series or any of our 270+ categories.
Because we bundle in bulk, our prices are the lowest you can find on the internet. Typically between $1-2 per BOOK.
How does it work?
You don't get to pick your exact titles, but you can pick your age ranges, book types, genres, series or any of our countless options to customize the library or book box of your dreams.
We do the heavy lifting and save you the most valuable resource there is.....TIME(and money) by picking the titles for you.
What if I get a duplicate?
What if I get a duplicate book!? What if I get a book I don't like?! We've heard it all. That's why we have our Replacement Guarantee. We will replace any book that doesn't meet your standards, fast and free of charge.
But don't take our word for it! Read our reviews, browse our customer submitted photos and when you're ready Start Bundling
Is this a subscription service?
No, buy our books, boxes and bundles as you need them. No reoccurring or surprise charges.
Where do you get your books?
From other books sellers and paper recycling facilities.
Most booksellers are only interested in selling valuable books like textbooks or rare out of print books. They often discard/destroy the kids books and adult bestsellers even if they are in amazing condition just because they can't sell them for enough.
That's where we step in and BUNDLE them.