Love them they are great for my grandson I would love to get some of a higher reading level.
Ordered a box for kids and 2 adult boxes. All the books are in great shape and a nice variety. Im wrapping them up for my mom and son as an advent book to count down to christmas.
80% of the books were great! there were a few that were not great. Overall will use this product again. Very Satisfied
The first 2 boxes I ordered were pretty good. This current order felt like I was getting the backroom dregs. Many of them had bent covers, yellowed pages, and just beat up conditions. Also, they were the old style paperbacks which are smaller with smaller print. It's a fun idea but that will probably have been my last order.
All of the books were in great condition, only 1 had a small doodle written inside of it. I'm donating half of these books to my son's school and the other half of these books to a local organization that works with unhoused families.
We got our box toddy and my daughter is as thrilled as she could be . We got so many new books and a bunch of her favorites. We are very happy with this purchase🫶🏻
Hi, I received my order promptly. I wish I would have received a better selection of chapter books. Didn’t receiving any Dog Man, Magic Tree House or even any books that I recognize. I have ordered from here in the past. I will continue to order bundles, but may only order specific sets so I know what I’ll be receiving for my daughters.
I think you should be able to choose if you want your bundle to be books that boys/girls would be interested in. My 7yo boy is not interested in half of his box because they are girl books. Also, there are many books that I deem inappropriate for young readers, even 12yo. I will not buy another book bundle.
Got some great books to use in homeschooling my daughter. I was very happy with them.
Loved the variety of books you sent! Several will make perfect Christmas gifts to family and friends!!
So happy to find a business as good as you! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I wanted 2-5th grade books. The order was for a much older age group.
We were very satisfied with our box from book bundler. Our daughter is having a hard time learning to read. This box is perfect. Good books in succession levels 1,2,3,4 as well as a couple pre reading books. We are very pleased with our purchase.
Was not impressed with the mix of books this time. There were duplicates, in fact one book with 3 copies and a book that was well outside the reading level.
I bought leveled readers for ages 4-8. Am making personalized “book bags” with a customized selection of books for each child in my class, according to their interests. They can take the bag and books home at the end of the school year. Each child gets books they like, to incentivize them to read and grow the love of reading. I could never afford to do this with new books, but these are almost like new! They will love this, and so do I. I’m so glad I found The BookBundler! Looking forward to my next purchase!
First time buyer, I bought a box bundle for my kiddos at school. I was impressed with the different reading levels available.
A bit disappointed. Books were is bad shape. And received duplicate books in same box.